我很喜歡這個影片,這個叫Joseph Herscher的人設計了一個會產生連鎖反應的裝置(Rube Goldberg Machine),本來以為它就像所有你看過的類似設計一樣,不管整個過程有多複雜,最後總是安安穩穩的,你以為主角的桌上會出現一份三明治、一杯咖啡之類的,結果它雖然完成翻頁的指令,但其實是搞得一團亂啊。人生就是這樣瞎忙一場不是嗎。
節錄紐約時報的文章(Who Says Machines Must Be Useful?)
“I’m trying to make it as absurd and useless as possible,” Mr. Herscher said of the contraption, which will turn off the lights behind him when he leaves the room. It is the first in a series he calls Ecomachines, which will perform simple, energy-saving tasks in elaborately wasteful ways.
“You hear that it’s good to recycle everything,” Mr. Herscher said, “and then you hear it takes more energy to recycle paper than it does to cut it down. It’s really hard to know what the right thing to do is. This is a way to express my own frustrations.”